Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Incesti Italiani Filmati

Barmann / Seuss, practice of home ownership 5.A. 2010

Krafka and Willer / Kühn, register right
.8. Revised edition 2010th XLI, 898 S. In Leinen, CH Beck ISBN 978-3-406-60040-1 Handbook of Legal Practice: Volume 7 HRP
€ 82


Pull out all the stops. The new edition takes account of the comprehensive legislative changes: the general reform of the voluntary jurisdiction with the replacement of the FAC by the FamFG, the reform of the GmbH law by the MoMiG,
implementing the shareholder rights directive by the ARUG, the law amending the association register the changes in equity, Inc. and co-operative law by BilMoG. All register types for registry courts, judges, registrars, notaries, lawyers, libraries.
By Dr. Alexander Krafka, notary, and Dr. Ulrich Kühn, Judge of the Court of Registration. Founded by Dr. jur. hc Theodor Keidel and Dr. Hans Schmatz. Continued until the 5th Ed by Dr. Helmut and Kurt Keidel Flushing. Up to the 7th Edition written by Dr. Alexander and Dr. Heinz Willer Krafka


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