Elzer / Fritsch / Meier, condominium law
pattern on wills, Dieter Eppler, retired notary
2004 9 Edition, 54 pages. The right of Economics, volume 119
ISBN 3-415-03274-4 Publisher Boorberg about € 6.80 appears early May 2010
The author - an experienced Notary - has pre-formulated a number of wills. Include the summary will include the surviving spouse as sole heir, the spouse will with unilateral and community children, as well as for commercial enterprises, the will to life interest and the advantages and reversionary. Considered in each case, the registered partnership. In addition, the book division orders, the duty of confiscation, suspension of bequests, the arrangement of a grave maintenance obligation and the withdrawal of a will. The many patterns and striking Notes the work will make a valuable guide for anyone who put up a will and thus prevent the quarrels among his heirs. Note:
The volume part of the continuing work "The right" of the economy, which consists of the RDW-series and the ROW-short report. There you can find a detailed overall package with reference conditions.
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