Monday, September 13, 2010

Space In Cervix For Sperm

U.S. economy under observation

The U.S. government is set up to the congressional elections in November every effort to at least prevent any signs of further deterioration of the economic situation. There are quite persistent doubts the extent to which published official-cyclical draw a realistic picture turdaten of the situation in the United States and suggest some well-founded fears that the situation is much more serious than the data. This is true even for some who may choose critical unemployment figures, which will be officially announced more than 16 million, representing a rate of 9.6 percent. A big question mark is over, however, the official figure of more than 40 million food stamp recipients behind this value. Because unemployment is a prerequisite for obtaining food stamps.

However, it is not particularly likely that the bad data before the congressional the U.S. and the world break out. Unless it is in another part of the world developments, which can shake the financial markets. While it is always fear a flare-up of the debt crisis in the European Union. On the other hand, in the EU done to ensure that this is not virulent, which has so far succeeded. Another factor is that the debt situation is not in the Union by far has the dimension of that of the United States - all new disturbing news from Greece and Ireland in defiance. Wen Jiabao, the Chinese government to turn definitely has the ambition to show the world and especially the U.S. that it has the situation under control. The flow of accurate data out of China is very sparse. It is not expected that it will change something in the near future. But should the situation the government has actually slip.

In Japan, it looks different. The economy continues to lose momentum and price erosion continues, although the central bank and government efforts continuously aim to reverse the trend - triple the money and now five consecutive stimulus packages. (1) The soaring yen is grotesque in this context and exacerbates the problems. If you were to create a kind of ranking of confidence that the government's work radiates, it would have under the leading Economies, Japan is currently perhaps the best chance to last place. However, it would still nothing is said about how bad the situation really is in comparison.

The ranking of the leading industrialized nations about the true and good economic situation would look different. But that is in the financial markets and exchanges do not matter. Not yet. For probably will change, if anything unforeseen happens Probable, which leave a naked view of the real extent of economic or financial market participants concerned problems.

There is little doubt it spread worldwide a number of problem areas are, which could prove to each new crisis as a trigger. The experience of the recent crisis also teaches how quickly the limits of controllability are achieved and how difficult it is for central bankers, government experts and economists, an acute crisis that has shaken the markets quickly recapture.

The possibilities and prospects for success have soberly considered not improved.

One reason economists have not done their homework and they understand the markets still do not really - but what countermeasures prerequisite for effective and would be the basis for sustainable improvement. Instead, they're still basking in the dubious success of the recent financial support measures and debated at best on the sense and nonsense of a new edition. Furthermore, because the financial possibilities of governments are now limited. The almost in all industrial countries massively increased public debt will allow hard to save the markets in an emergency again with significant financial expenses. A significant worsening of the crisis but would also be a testament to the futility of this endeavor. Because this showed that resolve even the first rescue of this type the problems do not, but the solution postpone for a while could.

And so everything is on the "certificate" for the first wave of crisis management measures, or whether the emergency occurs. This certificate will once again deliver the financial markets, which also says a lot about the progress governments have made in crisis prevention. You will once again be the Wretched.

This week, in the United States back a series of new cyclical turdaten on. You need to be a prophet to have known how little the U.S. is bad data.


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