Ooooh guys, to talk about, and sooo little time and Muse.
But for you, my few faithful Leserlein, I do like the course and also at night at 12 after 8 hours standing and smiling.
Where do we start.
My parents were here. Of 23 to 30.01. Full great, I'm soo happy.
And because I'm an old hare reception so that I have of course the same time one of our hottest suites reserved for the 2438th
They come like that and I've picked up at the airport.
They had then been hired directly from home n car with Avis.
And our hotel is working with Avis.
Avisfrau I mention in such a way that I work there and the enthusiasm so full aaah, here she comes every week for 20 years towards me, totally mad, super full, why did I not say so, because it gives us equal to n times better car.
full fäääääd.
Connections, age, Connections.
Connections, age, Connections.
If GEDU then to the hotel, checked in, I n those few people are introduced and then we walked a round. Show
Had that's all, so I was already full of great and moderate per-felt, yes:)
But of course, had come Kam had:
My parents arrived and gabs promptly shit weather.
So also then two days later.
Aka-the-century storm.
it the entire night had durchgepisst at wind force 30 000 and the moment I come then to one of my days off down to my Eltis from breakfast to pick what to my bleary eyes:
Everywhere ceiling in the entrance hall and towels on the floor, because it's rained in fact and no kidding by the ceiling.
facing restaurant was n Lake, a miracle that we did not go over the guests with a boat . Had
have had then been built from blankets and towels so ne way bridge, the at least halfway to her feet wet could breakfast.
Part of the ceiling crashed down from the restaurant was actually dropped hats throughout the hotel, we had about one million claims for water in the room.
And because I'm as flat as I am (kind-hearted, socially and loyal) I I promptly grabbed the mop and spent half my day off in order to clean up water.
Thank God I had it halfway then stopped raining, and thus s it not soo bad.
We obviously had even been pretty lucky.
was half According to news Arrecife under water, bridges had to be closed and evacuated a few hotels even.
Typical Spain: As rains for two days and already there's floods and mass panics.
But my God, we have rocked the thing and good wars.
Unfortunately, I had only 4 days off are getting from the 7, my parents were there, and after I bit it with my Ellis Island was finally and now look at any idea of the sights have that I guests have been foisted every day completely clueless, I have to work again.
We were in the Jardin de Cactus, Jameos del Agua, Cueva de los Verdes, etc.
super everything.
within 3 days I have not seen much of the island in the 3 months before.
course was basically the whole time that my parents were here, shit weather, how can it be otherwise.
Sunday are my parents moved back, full of sad, and I had to create to start at 3.
That was Isa's last day here. Isabel, my faithful roommate from Switzerland, has left me today.
After 6 months internship here today to 2e they returned to their homeland and Schwizerdütsch has left me with dirt staring room and a pile Alkflaschen.
I'll miss her, she is really great.
disappears in a week and returned to Germany Messi, each leaving me: (
But then will come shortly afterwards four new interns and how can it be otherwise, there are Dutch
. The Dutch I'll not let go in life.
Hopefully, at least cool Dutchman.
But yes I have now Martina. Martina is ne new quasi-intern from Croatia, where she is head of the reception and NEM Solmelia hotel.
And the forms that bit further, because they want to be a hotel manager.
is the 28 and really cool.
thin and full and big.
thin and full and big.
And they will remain until early April, around 3 months.
violently real.
3 months I am only here.
I've had about half my time abroad behind me.
Now looking back we went really fast.
Especially since I'm here because I feel good here, just as abnormal.
I was so miserable luck with my hotel here, as all the people are so perverse cool and casual and friendly here.
And that my work so bad fun.
course it is stressful, but I was happy just if I can make the guests happy or if they reflect, when I illuminate.
And of course I like 's also that all Spaniards to leave me because I'm blond.
Is there anything else?
certainty, but my degree is no longer true.
And my hand hurts from fast typing.
Besitos a Alemania.
echo de menos Os.