Saturday, January 22, 2011

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The crisis of the FDP: ostrich policy - not open to constructive criticism

The FDP lies still in the survey depth and seems on the eve of seven or maybe eight state elections - when in NRW but still comes to new elections - not willing or able to put the causes of this deal and to . change An example is the reaction to my analysis of the problem, which I took Wolfgang Kubicki for his criticism of the FDP leadership in an e-mail note. What happened then, I have informed Mr Kubicki in a second e-mail:
Mr Kubicki,

in my e-mail from 12.12. I have you in response to her open criticism of the FDP-rate draw attention to a fundamental problem do. I make no secret of what I have written you, but would like it to be understood as constructive criticism.

As I now, however e-mail from the same mail account sent to a member of the Bundestag, I realized that this account is on the spam list of My mail has been automatically rejected.

I would like to inform because it is very strange. I have never been sent from that account and mail server from an e-mail to a member of the Bundestag. In fact, I'm from this account before and never sent an e-mail to a politician, because I only for business Purpose use, except to you.

I do not know who to my e-mail was forwarded and I have no objection at all to the contrary. My message has reached the MPs in the meantime by other means. I'm still not happy that something like this happens.

I do not want a big deal out of it. But maybe this incident says more than me.

stand for any questions I will of course be happy to help.

Stefan L. Eichner
I may be wrong, but for me it does not look, ask when the party leadership the self-inflicted problems. On the contrary, apparently even tried to prevent a debate by all means. This is a bad sign for a democratic party and not an encouraging sign for those FDP members who have an interest in the future of their party - have - over the year 2011.

Citizens do not care. Their vote on the future ability of the FDP, they bring a cross on the ballot reflected. It is for the party in 2011 seven times a possibly very hard, but in any event for years to be a irreversible decision.

Additional links about this topic:
- neoliberalism in crisis: From the liberal market-liberal economists and politicians mistake (v. 21.06.09);
- Why politicians in the crisis of economic policy, not " get the curve " (v. 05.10.09);
- Economic and Financial Crisis: Wrong theory, wrong policy crisis (v. 17:11:09)
- "more freedom dare!" - Right, reality and fall of the policy approach of the CDU. "Stuttgart 21" becomes Marstein. (v. 12:11:10).


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