Monday, November 29, 2010

What Paint To Use Inside A Microwave

WikiLeaks: The image of our politicians and the weaknesses of the policy

WikiLeaks The recent release of secret dispatches American diplomats-cal, showing, above all, their evaluation of leaders of other countries, the USA more than just embarrassing. (1) this is true also for politicians around the world whose public reputation has been severely shaken. The dispatches can be carefully maintained facades crumble, indicate weaknesses and skill gaps.

course this is only the view of U.S. diplomats.

Many citizens are their estimates surprise of politicians, however, not really. You will see in their own assessments all too often confirmed, even though likely to be only superficially in the rule. You will be pleased to know that politicians such evaluations now even have to take note. How citizens think about their politicians and how they judge their skills are no secret and it is against the background of published U.S. dispatches quite interesting and recommended for politicians, here and not only in WikiLeaks read, as is judged. (2)

The WikiLeaks revelations help to increase the pressure on top politicians. In any case, are in many states because of their policy under massive attack. The numerous protests, whether in
Ireland, Greece, Portugal, France, Great Britain or elsewhere to show, as well as opinion polls the vast, furious dissatisfaction of citizens with the services of their government leaders. More and more often, they come together and to initiatives to the somewhat counter-enforce. They do it because they feel abandoned and betrayed. They do it because in their eyes in the political landscape is hardly someone who does not make you suspicious of political patronage, but galubwürdig and unreservedly advocating the common good and proper, rational to be a politician willing and able.

The mediation talks on the dispute over the Stuttgart railway station project "Stuttgart 21", which broadcast on TV and the Internet and from a surprising number of people were persecuted, shows in stark contrast to the now published by WikiLeaks reviews of our leaders that at the regional and local politicians are quite who want and can afford it. Such objectively and competently led, hard debate, as they were seen in the Stuttgart-based mediation talks, there is not in the Bundestag. Bundestag is, so it appears in the direct comparison, "Showtime" - more self-portrayal in the media, more glossy advertising the parties and politicians than anything else. But the fact of how empty the seats are there in the rule, shows that there is not going to debate, but only the position at the lectern is interesting because on the television cameras are directed. Precisely for this reason, the Stuttgart conciliation talks were followed by so many citizens attention. There has delivered what they want. You just do not themselves be staging politician, dodging the question and debate any hard and after her appearance before the cameras at once eyed curious to see how this has affected their approval ratings. They want to know what they really are with their respective leaders.

It is the new release WikiLeaks due to this contrast has been called visible and the problem back into the public consciousness. It is obvious that top political positions all too often just not really appropriate and also enabled politicians to be filled. Without TV cameras they would be worse off.


(1) American diplomatic reports: secret dispatches reveal the world view the U.S. (v. 28.11.10);
(2) economic policy in crisis: political parties, politicians and business experience (v. 3:08:09), and especially the politicians follow the links to blogs.
(2) Why politicians for economic policy in the crisis not "turn the corner" (v. 05.10.09).

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Does It Mean To Have A Low H&h

I eat right now ne orange.

Now I have but nothing long heard from me.
There is plenty to tell, my friends.
So, where do I start.

last Tuesday were we play pool at night, Vladi, Isa, and I n guy named Joaquin, who creates appeared here in the hotel as an animator, but grade 4 weeks off has or something. No idea.
In any case, we played billiards, the first time in ages for me.
This has always reminded me then the time-Oops, that was great:)
I was then full of well-fei, I was surprised.
War n good and funny evening.

The next evening I went nachm work then jogging.
jogging! I! Move! Sport! Voluntary.
I will present to hear quite a lot, aaah 'and' ooohs' of admiration.
I then of course the next day promptly had übertriiiiebenen muscles grow, stairs and go into the knee were virtually impossible.
Pretty shitty if you work there must ^ ^.

so it went completely then the rest of the week, many films with salted popcorn with Isa. (. Yes, I know, terrible)
Saturday was so outstanding, namely:
Benito, one of the higher staff ausm Restaurant, whose contract has expired.
You know, the whole English employees get only 1-year contracts and then to four months on forced leave, English just because of the lousy economic situation.
And that was just his farewell party. We were first invited to dinner, I swear, 5 speed.
Only the hottest bread in the world, then twice what I completely unknown (which I have but eaten anyway, Mom, you're reading this), then the main course GIANTS BATZ meat, just meat, but it is also a great and then just have dessert.

I was full to the top out, I'd almost be able to roll out.
Next they were off.
Isa, Francisco, I'm a guy whose name I've forgotten, gone Messi and Benito and I still are.
good, Benito's just about 50 or so and has suited up totally.
Chucks, jeans, leather jacket.
And as the departed, fuck yeah.
I would have been someone who knows Benito and not seen her so rumspacken at the disco did, I'd only just laughed.
But it was so funny.
How good was it.
was then really casual, the evening. Was at 5:30 at home, almost dead
all were full except me. But we already know: D

Then I worked through 7 days.
When I looked this Thursday afternoon, the shoes have kicked off my feet, that was the best feeling in the world.
liberating Sun : D
Thursday evening we were back playing pool, again Vladi, Isa, Joaquin and Messel was this time too.
was again really funny, Vladi was so very full.
Witzig wars also because Isa had to work Friday morning at 8: D
and we keep at home at half past 5 were.
finally I could laugh at her, because I could not lie.

slept until around 1:00, got up, and gemittaggegesst gestrackt on the beach.
But only up to 5 or so, because by 6 Joaquin has picked me up and we are buying what, and then for two billiards.
real n Cute, I must say.

was then back home relatively early, so by 9
Did my pasta at an Italian restaurant fetched and I-Despicable 'looked at.
Because Isas friend NEN spontaneous visit over the weekend, and I probably will not get to Sunday evening to face: D

Tjaaa, and really, actually wanted Messi and today I go diving together.
We have here in the hotel ne diving school which is run by two Germans, totally cool people.

since coming back so promptly and we are told, "Yes, no, it works today unfortunately. Too much wind, too many waves, it's too dangerous. The red flag is out there already "

. (:. (I am so looking hat on it, all that crap
And it definitely takes ages until I have time together and Messi free again.

If instead, then bit hung with Joaquin, he has in his Fred Costume help (-> Gallery).
Thereafter, Messi and I mitm bike to Puerto del Carmen in, the Shopping Mall Biosfera and there were n little while
I have sore muscles tomorrow determined but has mad-fun:..)
A great day anyway.
And tomorrow operate noaaaaaain.

What I do not have to say as a general conclusion:
I must speak more English.
I think my English in Salamanca was much better than here.
Because everyone is talking to me in English, although I will say that I see that she do in English.
Also yesterday, with Joaquin, I've entertained me in English only.
while already.

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Baby Is Choking On Mucus

Ireland crisis: Stay governments hostage to the financial markets

bank bailout follows financial crisis, following rigor, followed by state rescue, follows ... - In the case of Ireland crisis is repeated, starting from the financial crisis, the process that we know of the Greek crisis her already. It takes one language, as of course the pressure of the financial markets is acceptable. Because the financial markets Ireland have in the truest sense of the word forced into this predicament - and other EU states in the vicinity of an emergency. Ireland is just another case. It can be almost certain probability that it was not the last and this is due to this very ease with which the pressure of financial markets is accepted.

What happens for this reason since the beginning of the financial markets, is a perversion of the term for market-based economic systems known basic relationship between market participants and state and it is quite deliberate. Reminder: The concern about the stability of financial markets forced Ireland and all other states to rescue of gamblers large banks. The small and medium-sized banks, which had largely to do with the casino did nothing, but now suffer under the consequences, should also be remembered, were largely left to themselves, partly charged additionally. In the United States that is the case. There, the regional banks die before him - what the government cares little obvious, and Wall Street certainly not. The worst effects of the massive damage that zockende large banks have left in all the world and its whole extent is still not trans-made transparent - one more point, reminiscent of the be - were not from the States to intercept without a massive public debt. It was there clear from the outset that would hang high public debt as a sword of Damocles over the respective States. Now that the financial markets, governments have made to rescue the great players of the casino and the governments have failed, the casino company to effectively prevent under-they are now that they have come to the brink of national bankruptcy, even for Property of the casino. What it cares "financial markets" that they are the reason for the debt? Again: this is not purely market-based and what is suggested to always be happy, laws following processes, but the fact that the tail wags the dog. Finally, the state is the top Control and regulatory authority of the markets and he perform his task so that they work.

No one can say it would have been impossible to foresee where it would cause if it would succeed in the political decision makers and the Score banks not to emancipate themselves from the financial markets - because that's the point. Until today, instead, in effect, done everything required, "the financial markets." Now the financial market have therefore achieved the costly rescue of States that would not have been necessary if the financial market players have not even driven the cost of refinancing unaffordable heights. In this sense, "the financial markets" even doubly responsible for the Ireland-disaster. The financial markets have achieved everything: they were rescued, they were allowed to continue casino operations, which have states such as Ireland and Others feel that are saved now as desired one by one, because otherwise it would be the gambling in the bond market does not even come up.

But this game is from the perspective of financial markets is far from played out and in order to dispel any misunderstanding: the financial-market participants do not stop it even before it escalates. We know that. The crash of the real estate market is the evidence, the successful insistence on the industry, substantially so to be allowed as before, too. How many documents are needed, so that at last perceived, is that the financial markets an "emergency stop" switch have not yet willing to accept him? is

The next stage of the game: "The financial markets" by the indebted countries calling for strict austerity policy, or rather the EU, the ECB and the IMF do to calm the financial markets - which amounts to the same.

It is important at this point to be exact: "The financial markets" do not mean that the austerity measures impedes their own activities, or even limited. This is then also clear in whose loads is to be saved: At the cost of the general public, that is, the citizen and to the detriment of small and medium-sized companies that are not obviously meant when talking about politicians of what they do for "the economy". "The economy", the big companies and big banks are just the global players. What is astonishing licherweise never discussed - For four decades they are under the heading "Improving international competitiveness," the focus of government policy in developed countries. It must be clearly seen, whereas this level in all developed countries one-sided support of large companies has led today: To a kind of "two-class society" in the economy and financial markets. We have today in developed countries in many industries a few large corporations, on the other hand, many are taking small and medium sized companies that operate either in large companies uninteresting niche or local markets, or that - very often - depending on take of large companies are (for as automotive suppliers).

As for the one-sided focus of policy on the large enterprise segment in the economy and financial markets over a period of four decades in the result means can be illustrated-lichen, if you look at the economies of developed countries presenting as a giant, the today on two different long and strong legs are. The long, strong leg is on the economies of the rest actually. It stands for the segment to take the large-sized and large banks. The shorter, emaciated leg stands for the segment of small and medium-sized companies and banks. With this picture in mind it is also understandable why the banks have never really care for the business with small and medium-sized companies.

Although this is a very poignant description, it can be so that the fundamental structural problem that as a result, all industrialized countries in a similar way to get to the point. This is due to the described Saving formula, states such as Greece and Ireland must now follow, to a very dangerous matters, because it hits the weak leg hard.

It is obvious that this works just like the previous one side also the preservation of the structures or to the stabilization of the strong leg forward Keynesian spending policies. On a sustainable growth path, the so understood and well-run "deficit spending" not being maintained. Draconian austerity at the expense of the public (demand) and the SME sector is, however, the already existing economic and structural, economic difficulties even greater. This is a Anti-growth tumskonzept.

appears in this context to assume a ludicrous, this form of dramatic savings could pave the way for Wrtschaftswachstum and recovery of state finances. Already, it has become clear: both in Greece and Ireland have tightened the austerity package, launched a few months already again. For the first cost-cutting measures ranging from no differently than planned, to achieve the objectives of fiscal consolidation - a result of the economic slowdown, which resulted in the saving measures as well.

How long it will take probably until the economic situation has deteriorated because so far that the Financial markets and the media, the danger of an impending depression strapped states and the feared consequences for the global economy is about? Because you have to see so that more and more states, as abgucken after the Lehman bankruptcy, simply with the neighbors and go to the same course, but thus something almost in equal-step stumble into the same difficulties.

What I want to express: Whether bank rescue, business or economy packages - all governments have done since the financial crisis served to stabilsieren to the strong leg of the ailing giant. It did so temporarily, but only at the price of a further weakening of the already neglected and greatly weakened second leg. The really hot iron, the economies to establish sound economic structure and so to set the stage for dynamic economic development, growth and employment, were not addressed.

"Too Big To Fail" will be therefore expected to back in vogue - in the banking sector and the real economy. Especially because the governments allow it in line with the above-described policy that, in the way of mergers and acquisitions occur continuously even larger corporations, rather than the dangerously high level of dependence of economies to reduce the industrial countries of large corporate segment. The governments thus depriving themselves - not least the pressure of the financial markets - the systematic ways to stabilize their economies by anything other than unconditional support of the large business segment. The fundamental instability of the system can not be resolved, that the state supports the Great and profits in an increasingly weaker demand from the segment of medium-sized businesses in the large companies to be diverted.

The case of Ireland as the reason that the policy is in a dead end. It's not just about escalating government debt. The continuously widening danger is that the large corporate segment one or the other economies of the developed States no longer carries the segment of small and medium-sized companies is too weak to compensate. A terrorist attack, a new stock market crash or some other dramatic event could be the trigger for it. The Lehman collapse has shown how vulnerable is the large company segment. prescribe

fact that the European community and the IMF, Greece and Ireland, a tightening of austerity, is a fresh bow to the financial markets. For the emancipation of the financial markets and a change of policy in the crisis have the courage and strength. This is precisely the reason why we First some concepts for the bailout and to stimulate the economy and now austerity packages of the type described are sold as alternative. This is not the case. Rather, it is facing the goal of stabilizing the economy, financial markets and national budgets to the question of how and where to save and what money is spent. As things go very wrong. Therefore, it is worth arguing about.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Long Can A Percen Live With Thyroid Cancer

"ayyyy, la guapa con gafas!"

Soo. So.
on a new one.
Today is Tuesday, 16th Nov. 2010th
I've been a little more than two weeks here.

I work, I eat, I sleep, I lie on the beach, I speak English, I laugh, I read and I live here.
lot more I do not right now.

Had the day off tomorrow and the same again.
full supi. After I worked 5 days and believe me, one day I would not hold out longer in the shoes, no joke.
I have to get me much other.
some point.

Oh man, I'm here already full, the English mentality habit.
Mañana, Mañana.
morning, tomorrow.
everything is still tomorrow. ". Schuuuubkarra"

, as my Dad would say: D

really wanted to wash again today, I do definitely the clothes off.
I also want to talk with one of the Lavanderia because I think my uniform is too big for me.
fluttered at the other around the fact a lot less.
Then I was cleaning today, you can imagine how a hotel room after 3 weeks of occupation by two women look like.
sand, clothes, hair, dead, remains of cockroaches, clothes, popcorn.
And all on the floor.
Once again, many thanks to my Mom, she convinced me my slippers take.
Have I not done anything yet.
neither washed nor spoken nor cleaned.

clean Okay, I will today. But the rest ...
Mañana, mañana.

Oha, I wanted to talk about the weekend.
was really quite funny.
Friday night I have so first to 11 wait until Messel and Isa were finished with their shift, then we have been with us forever encouraging balcony with Vladi, nem Italian entertainers here who just speaks so perfect English.
If at some point to Vladis bungalow neighbors because of a party is thrown.
Everywhere salsa, peanuts, dancing people, guitars ...
That was sooo infinitely great English.

direct the pool under the stars.
was already bit cold, but was genuine.

If, however, then again back to the hotel relatively early, so by 2
Isa and I have since then made popcorn and watched NEN film.
, date '. Quite funny, only the total same wit and construction as, Hangover '.
What determines not only the guy was.

If then went to bed at 5:00 at some point.
And on Saturday I was able to create 3 again.
Oh man
was already on the little bag.

What noooch gibbet.
Achjaaa, my appointments are present fiiiix:)
Dana & my parents come in January.
Al principio y al fin del mes.
I'm looking good.
This is so great.
And and and and what's even.

I think I'm starting to write letters.
I love letters:)

Aaah, whatever I need to mention IMPORTANT:
Today I was all day at the beach.
It was hot:) ... Just as a meanness in you snowmen at home: D

I'm curious to see how warm here in December and January.
it would still be funny to make pictures with Santa Claus hat in a bikini on the beach.
Unschadenfroh as I am.

And as for the title this time:
I come in recently Comedor de staff wants to eat something and was holding my glasses on.
sitting there all my boys & Restaurant with a Messel me looks so full and calls aloud, "Ayayay, la guapa con gafas"
found that somehow all the funny, which have half an hour about it pee.

I think I get the joke mitgekriegt not be so completely.
But I'm working on.
Until one day, Madame et Monsieur.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meaning Alfe In Arabic

crisis management: The forgotten power of customers. From Stuttgart 21

would be charged, the most important common characteristic of thinking in economics and in economic policy to designate the Western industrialized countries, the right answer might be that this is in the supply-political thinking.

course, this is only partly correct - at least if the past two years is considered because in these two years different than before and Keynesian measures were taken, so demand stimulation was operated.

But this phase appears to be over - except for Japan. Even in the U.S. is now worked on a conservation concept. (1) In Greece, Spain, Portugal and most recently in the UK is already a drastic austerity program driven by the governments. For most governments, the view has prevailed that they can not afford a continuation of the significant spending rate, given the accumulated through bank rescue and recovery plans huge national debt any more. In addition, these measures do have prevented the worst. But a real success they have not yet. Because the financial markets still walk on the edge of the crisis and the same goes for the real economy. Without question, the

into debt is irresponsible, if not for the rest of the economy and thereby the return flows of Funds in the treasury out. However, be seen to be that draconian saving concepts have a liberal, supply-political reasons. The issue is especially important to create the retreat of the state space for more private sector activity. It is in some ways a kind of liberation of the economy, at least from the perspective of liberal economists and politicians who believe that this works.

In this view, that is, offer a policy perspective, it's all about the supply side - the company as a supplier of products and services also. It is quite appropriate to say pointedly formulated, consider the leading liberal and neo-classical economists, explain and essentially only this part of the market economy to analyze because all that happens on the demand side, both economically and politically from the economic activity on the supply side, depending on viewing and disappears so far as possible.

Liberal policy is supply-side policy, and so the arguments leading neoclassical and liberal dominated economic schools of thought.

If one is convinced that this is so, then this results in no justification for demand stimulation.

The problem is that a hook, or better even two: First, have both liberal and neo-classical economists, in principle, always a static Economy in mind, a circular economy also. A developing economy, they can, as I have stated here before, (2) not explain, however. This is precisely a key reason why the crisis will have neither seen nor could explain. Second, it is not sufficient to consider only the supply side, if you will declare a developing economy.

The development of markets is rather a direct result of the combination and interplay of supply and demand. This is what even the representatives of the economic mainstream of the functioning of markets. However, they generally assume rational behavior, symbolized in the idealized figure of the "homo economicus". Development can not be discerned from a distinction between vendors and buyers of a given design situation and derived therefrom, and all applied behavioral routinely explain out. Rather, development is related just different from, and also in the time varying behavior. Assuming a range of different motivations and behavior types in the offer is made, and on the demand side, it is easy to imagine that many are the consequences for the economic life and for the development.

Exactly how the development of markets such as on the overall economy - as all the markets - is running at whatever stage of the prevailing order and the events shaping behavior types on both the supply and depending on the demand side. Shall be decided by the fact such as whether competition can be to the buyers in a product market successfully on the price, or functional, and in the broadest sense qualitative characteristics are crucial. For it is not for everyone, it depends on the cheapest price, not always rational behavior is present. Also specific additional functions, the design, the preference for a product brand, environmental considerations, social concerns etc. decisive for purchasing decisions . Give To what extent this in a market comes into play, but is also dependent on the supply side. There really there is effective competition, then the provider adjusting their behavior and to rate their products on the demand situation must - unless they specialize in a niche. Because the demand for effective competition is decided on what corporate argue with what behavior and what specific offers.

If we look now to the real situation shows that many markets are dominated by the supply side and not on the demand side. The market structure is expressed in particular that such markets from a small number of very large Provider dominated. This applies to the energy sector (electricity, gas, oil and gasoline), for the food industry, but also for the food trade, telecommunications, computer processors, automobiles, airlines, for the pharmaceutical industry and also for the areas of accounting and business consulting, etc. In this cases of each type of behavior characterizes predominantly on the supply side, the concrete form of competition (usually tend to be mere cost competition) and thus also the specific form of what buyers can purchase under what conditions on a market. Differing offers are under such circumstances - if any - only of niches available vendors.

Due to structural differences - a few large providers on the supply side, but many buyers - it is very possible that companies can sell products and services to a large extent, although the needs of large parts of the demand is insufficient or in the theoretical worst case even do not comply and do so simply because there is nothing else on the market.

'do or die "- that could describe this constellation clearly. There is only the foods that are offered by two, three or four major global players. And if these products on genetically modified agricultural products should be based, then it is from the perspective of the individual consumer are not altered. Or if it were offered by the handful of power companies only nuclear power, so shall it profit a just nothing if you do not even want nuclear power.

Why is that? Why are we as customers and consumers seemingly powerless?

has a start, it simply something to do with the developmental stage at which these markets are located. The examples listed markets are "mature", some stagnate at a high level, so they are often saturated. In this phase of development markets typically have a high business concentration on vendors say. Just as typical is how the Term "mature phase" already suggests that production processes, products and services are mature. This means that the products of competing suppliers are located - in terms of its essential characteristics (technology, design, quality, etc.) - have become very similar. Far-reaching improve-ments or innovations, or even technological advances no longer occur. Thus there is a large market transparency - both of the competing providers and for consumers. It is evident that competitive strategy in such a situation, that is, on the supply side, and also on the demand side, namely in the purchasing decision, the cost or the cost of the all-important be criterion.

such a situation prevails for a longer time period and, moreover, not only in individual markets, but in many markets, then solidifies on supplier and for the demand on a broad level, a conservative behavior. In other words, something is being done because it was always done one way or the routine is just as prescribed, and some will be bought because it was getting bought. That is, neither the few established, large producers or to purchase their usual routine and over time on the "qualitative eye blind mass of customers will really change. Providers such as buyers are ultimately renewal savers. This

the demand to a considerable extent complicit in the financial market and economic crisis. Most are, at not aware. Because of this, the phase of "maturity" of markets and for "mature" economies typical behavior allows the dominant party in the big markets to hold their own unchallenged and in some cases even if they offer products and services less and less to the needs of a growing part of the match demand. What's worse, the mass of customers to behave the same time preventing that new, really innovative vendors with different, better can establish the needs of large parts of demand matched products and services in markets and grow, because they have become blind to the far-sense qualitative differences.

Because the competing products and services of large, established vendors, are so similar, that is nearly "homogeneous" become to trust and rely on the demand side of this occurring at all offers on the market then. They have therefore grown accustomed over the years, decisions for products and services ever meet only on the basis of the criterion "price". As a consequence of the vast number of customers qualitative differences possibly even superficially true, because quality standards have been lost and was simply forgotten how to judge quality. The prize will be forfeited to the knock-out criterion, the quality of the products, the spectrum shrinks to different qualities of products and services, truly innovative products have no chance and that is why there are not.

particularly new, but also generally innovative providers, providers of quality services to see today following, the sum of very powerful, difficult to be overcome hurdles to the following:
  1. The market power of the small number of established, large Provider and their obsession with status-quo-preservation and pure price competition;
  2. typical for mature markets, that is for qualitative differences blind and neuerungsaverse behavior of the majority of customers;
  3. economic policy, the purely supply and politically operates both in improving the environment and in terms of active promotion focuses on one side to the needs of large, established companies in mature markets, which means that those in their pricing and cost competitive support capability.
are the main reasons for remaining in or on the verge of crisis for the right dahindümpelndes growth, continued job losses, falling incomes for real and a weak domestic demand.

What is missing is: a dynamic, innovative competition in which everyone has a chance to provide innovative services - also against the larger, established competitors.

It is quite clear that both the economists as well as the economic policies of a rethinking needs to this situation, the deliberately sketched very blunt and analyzed, was to leave the basic reasoning is clear to overcome can. We need to get away from the purely political as well as supply-demand from the purely political View. Instead, the interplay of supply and demand back into focus, not within the usual, limited to the circular economy thinking and analytical framework, but in light of the fact of emerging markets and economies.

especially can help to overcome the misery, however, the demand for, and indeed even the most effective and thus most important force. You must learn to see on the "quality eye again, and this independent, that does not develop from the current product range dependent quality standards. They have to improve their judgments and, alternatively, offered products and services more aware of circumferential assess and thoroughly than you are used from the previous phase, in which apparently it was enough to simply compare the prices only. You must also express, if not all alternative choices available are satisfied, so that it remains the same.

There are many signs that moment something changed in this direction:
  • A good example is the initiative "Move Your Money" in the U.S.. (3) launched over the Internet, the call to the American people to tolerate no longer the high-risk business of large U.S. banks and not more of them high to make charges and credit interest exempt. Rather, the citizens resolve their accounts with the banks and go to small and medium-sized regional banks in order to support this and so change the power structure in the banking sector. The initiative mobilized in the early stages of thousands of Americans. promote
  • Or the gas station chain boycott calls in Germany to counter the high fuel prices (4)
  • and the resistance against efforts of agricultural and food companies, the patenting of genetically modified plants and animal breeds, ( 5) because it attempts to hide monopolization of plant and animal breeding are seen. (6)
  • Another positive indication of a change of demand is the amount of attention received by the Internet platform . (7) It calls on citizens to change their consumption patterns and lifestyles towards sustainability. informs, promotes the exchange and is also Advisor for strategic consumption. The goal: The people should decide consciously and support with every purchase environmentally friendly products and fair working conditions throughout the world. (8)
  • Or the initiative "Energy in hand citizens" , at the Freiburg citizens who had enough of the dominant energy companies, high prices for electricity and nuclear power, millions gathered to purchase shares of itself and influence at the time of the sale E.on subsidiary Thüga. (9) The initiative reached its destination. (10)
  • Another current, with the previous examples, not directly to comparative example is the current protests against the Stuttgart train station project "Stuttgart 21" . For it shows that the citizens of this proposed special "offer" have seen very much conscious and considered, as it until recently for possible would have held. The result of this is that they have now established that the "product" "Stuttgart 21 is compared to" publicly and in detail with an alternative "product" "head station 21" . (11) be visible to the citizens not only in terms of costs, but also other qualitative differences. The Stuttgart have just zurückerkämpft a piece of their critical abilities.
was therefore to conclude once again stressed: We will not come without a change in policy direction from the economic and financial market crisis. This, however, are far from sufficient. There is nothing for the better for the people change when they start not even in their capacity as consumers and market participants to report their purchasing decisions deliberately to influence the market. This requires that they increase their awareness and their ability to judge in terms of products and services. And everyone, which the then perhaps seems a little too cumbersome, remember: It would be the most efektivste protection against a new financial crisis.

(1) Commission shall submit to drastic proposals: How to save four trillion dollars? (V. 12:11:10)
(2) manage The Crisis: The Dilemma of economists and central bankers (by 6:07:09);
(3) Protest against Wall Street: U.S. customers revolt against big banks (v. 01.02.10);
(4) call in Facebook and Co.: Helps Network boycott fuel rip-off? (v. 29.04.10);
(5) patents on food: The Broccoli revolt (v. 20:07:10) see also: documentation "Monsanto - with poison and genes" ;
(6) patent dispute: resistance to "Broccoli patent" is forming (v. 20:07:10)
(7) ;
(8), about Utopia ;
(9) poker for E.on-daughter: electricity planning coup against rebel groups (By 31.07.2009);
(10) competition for E.on & Co.: Experts celebrate Germany's new energy power (v. 12:08:09)
(11) ; Stuttgart round of mediation at odds over head railway project (v. 12:11:10).

recommended addition to articles and documents:
- Uncontrolled Mediakmenteneinsatz in factory farming: antibiotics ineffective controls (v. 18:11:10)
- scandal EU authority: Consumer advocates on behalf of corporations (v. 18:11 .10) and associated: members of the Board of Directors 2010 of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Europe Branch;
- Cantona action against the banking system: Today "bank runs" is -day in France (by 7:12:10).

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quotes On Third Birthday to revive the gold standard? The monetary system as a new experimental field in the series of failed attempts at crisis management

In the crisis debate as well as in the general economic policy discussions always have the impression that "competition" is a fixed term for which there is a precise definition - and exactly one. So always know what all is spoken here.

This is definitely wrong. Over the decades, in economics, different competition theories developed. A distinction has to be there - in chronological order - the "all-perfect competition," the "workable competition", the "free competition" and the "evolutionary competition." . Kurzbe The drawings are for theories that compete in different ways define (1) What is special is that the most recent theory, the elderly does not automatically replaced, perhaps because they - like you should take - was better. On the contrary. All known competition theories have certain strengths and weaknesses. In other words, until today there is no perfect and universally accepted theory of competition. Instead, various are imperfect and competing Theories of choice . (2)

This is fatal. Finally, competition is the "engine" of the market economy, that is, he is to prosper in the growth, development and welfare requirements or increase the effect-in other words, market-economies can be ordered. And if it is unclear how competition works and under what conditions these "motor" running smoothly, so that the market economy prospers, how can you can then ensure that it does exactly? Or worse, how can you can then ensure that he does that again, if he is in fact been sluggish, in other words, if the economy in the crisis there - like now?

This is not an academic question, it is currently the highest practical relevance. In view of the very low economic growth, which the governments of a number of industrialized countries at least since the Lehman bankruptcy in fall 2009 represents a serious problem, this is obviously an absolutely key issue.

you look, for example, to Japan, we see that there eased monetary policy extreme, and in the meantime for the fifth stimulus package was agreed, without being sustained in a stabilization or even upward economic development is reflected would have found.

Or the United States: Banks and companies were rescued by an unprecedented financial costs, stimulating the economy with massive government incentives and the U.S. central bank flooded the markets with dollars at rates close to zero - just last week, it informed the next gigantic tables cash injection for the markets. Used all that has nothing. This year were already closed $ 143 credit institutions from the Bank Supervision - more than in the whole crisis of 2009 (3), which remains unemployment at record levels, economic growth is no longer on a quarterly overview of the region with a zero before the decimal point out.

the amazing thing that no one has devoted to this central question - to this day. Nevertheless, the effort with billions in financial markets have been supported, banks saved and implemented measures to aid economic development. Whether those who led this event, which was conscious or not is irrelevant. It was clear from the outset that these measures would be nothing more than a risky experiment with uncertain outcome - success would have been pure luck. Because how can you call it when someone in a sputtering, coughing and spitting "economic engine" tampered with, without really knowing how does it work?

This is not an exaggeration. Just think of the inability of the leading economists to foresee the crisis and their bewilderment at how you would respond to best effect. up to now they in eliminating their explanation deficits in principle not progress (4)

Once, however, the so-called experts -. Among them the economics professor Ben Bernanke - their knowledge to address major economic crises, without sustained success have been tested, (5) begins with you the big frown. What to do?

was now so a new experimental field identified: the monetary system. The World Bank President Robert Zoellick suggests about a revival of the gold standard before (6) to stabilize the foreign exchange markets. To make it short: No matter how trying the monetary system reform, it is for the markets do not have a stabilization effect, because it was not the cause of the instability of the markets (financial markets and the real economy). This pre-proach to the problem is nothing more than to propose that the "economic engine" stutter and cough, because the gasoline that is supplied to him was bad. To stay in the picture: The still says someone who has no idea how this engine works, and therefore would this brand new start nothing but a new experiment - one that could have just as little success as the previous.

Mind you, it shall not thereby be denied that reform of the monetary system alone would be useful perhaps. But we must not be expected to result in pressing the existing problems, the financial markets and real economy continued to cause turmoil and the crisis can be solved. After all, the gold speculators should be happy about Zoellicks'Vorschlag.

(1) Stefan L. Eichner, competition, Industrial development and industrial policy , Berlin 2002;
(2) Economic and Financial Crisis: Wrong theory, wrong policies (v. 17:11:09)
(2) capitalism in crisis: farewell to the free market economy, farewell to the competition? (v. 20:09:09)
(3) Bank Die: The kids pay the price (by 6:11:10);
(4) overcome the crisis: the dilemma of economists and central bankers (by 6:07:09);
(5) first and second Great Depression: A different situation, other measures, but the same crucial mistake - History Repeating? (v. 21.03.10);
(6) currency dispute: World Bank chief calls for new gold standard (by 8:11:10).

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Watch South Park Full Episodes For Ipod

Lanzarote: "Your room number, please?"

Good evening, my dear readers.

the last week I am here to Lanzimanzi.
Today is Sunday, and I had to work through 4.

The week does see my life like this: get up
At 7, I throw in my flight attendant outfit, receptionists, briefly in the staff canteen polish off two croissants and off at the box office for the breakfast buffet restaurant.
Then from 8 / 2 11.11 nothing other than stand around and "the room number, please. / Your room number, please. / El número de tu habitación, por favor."
And very much " Buenos días, Good Morning, Good Morning. "
I obviously do great, some guests even greet me by name.
And just smile continuously, from 10, the beginning and also ignore foot pain rumtanzen smile from any of the children of the nose . Let
Except my little 5-year-old admirer, who is great. But that is left today.
shame full, he would have liked to marry. close

Then at 10:30 checkout to see if everything is right and over to the reception.

I think that gave me only a week training period, as encouraging as the plan for next week that I'm in a layer only this together with another.
So far we have always been a threesome.
the two actually, and I as nice background figure.

I think I can now also check-in. "May I have your passport, please."
But only if everything runs smoothly.

And if you are German, I can do anything better yet.
Because then I can just explain my situation better.

But I also feel that my English is better.
If I do not know what or is it important that I understand it right, I just have to ask for English, but most I get back I think.

Oh, and I had to move.
over from my hot, huge, luxury ocean view rooms in a comparatively bad flophouse with a magnificent view of a cactus and concrete.
Tadaa, the staff room.
But it can be lived.
come As long as no cockroaches and eat me, everything is clear.
warned me before that, Isabel, and after only Messel.

But, I could ne large as Pet and take the call I then Johnny.
Yesterday evening when I looked out so times through the curtains, sat actually containing two snow-white cat in a chair on my balcony and cuddled.
They looked sooooo cute, she is not because I could scare away times. Why.

What I scare but had to, and the extremely violent, was ne giant spider, which is eventually vorgekrabbelt under the bed.
I got my house shoes can fall on it and I swear that was not my intention, that is simply exploding.
Since were around in the vicinity of 20 cm pieces.
Very sexy.

Today was totally exhausting work somehow.
My feet eventually die just from me, I think, I can fill two stumps in my heels and sexy stewardesses rumstöckeln it then.
But that effort was also determined, because they expect any more from me just now.
No, but you realize wait, they will quickly impatient.

also I have the feeling that they blaspheme sometimes in English in front of me of me because they know anyway, that I understand when they speak in their non-normal pace.
But I do not.
Besides I have just two weeks ago that fucking shit cough and just not go away.
I'll really not clear that bad.

BUT (!) I washed my jeans. All alone. In a washing machine.
And yes, that's one reason to be proud of me.
A special thanks here to my mom that I really at any difficulty telephone support and tell me what to do. You are the best.

Also I get some time next week a package from home, where will finally be inside my shorts and my running shoes.
Because I definitely have to start jogging, or I do not need a book for my flight back home. Fat floats well known, in the sea above.

Ääääähm what gibbet yet.
Oh, have you seen my uniform? For PICTURES? I want comments! You really know that I need attention as the air we breathe.

if something is new, is always first on Facebook. But if what is important new, which then is also determined here soon.

Cheers, my friends.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Do People Grow The Nail Of Their Pinky

Lanzarote: From sun, summer, beach. And taxes.

mitgekriegt How many of you: I'm there now. In Lanzarote.

am Saturday morning, more or less unnoticed had sneaked away from my flat. Only Sebas said Bye, the others were still in a coma.
by taxi to the bus station and from there mitm bus two and a half hours to the airport.
Since first run, bwahaha.
Not funny.

Once again hacks me off the laptop case almost the arm because I was still stuffed inside because it includes all my chargers and other Gekabel PLUS my giant Duden.

am At some point I will once landed on Lanzarote and am mitm taxi to the hotel.

There, the reception and said so, Yeah, I am the new intern, hi
then have the first impression made, Oh cool, another by which we can take care of us. "
them to me first gave my room key and said, Yeah, I live together with Isabel, not ne desk intern, but is on now, because her boyfriend grad there to visit and I should just up the room and look around me and then I can come down again yes.

Have I said Vale. " and I'm going.
age Swede. I'm SO a horny room.
sea, giant bed, horny bath, giant TV, kitchenette with toaster, microwave, coffee maker.
Here's life can be.
Has at some point out found that this is actually n rooms, but in some mysterious way, the staff of guest rooms assigned and no idea. I climb because even non-through.

But no matter.
Have moved me then, I am pleased the Vista and back down.
Do not forget to mention that it had at least 30 degrees and even though 6e evening was, the pool was still completely covered.

'm back to the reception and then have an acquaintance who believe such a thing as s second boss is. No idea.
The me then started rumzuführen is with me in the abnormal underground maze and has shown me such a laundry and when I pick up my uniform is always possible.
JAA, I've got a uniform.
And yeah, it's a rock.
I wear a brown skirt and white blouse ne.
's right. follow
Photos: D

Well, then she has shown me the employee dining room and such.
And then they called Messel, NEN interns also because the German and the bit of me again rumführt.
Jaa have, then we met and then the outdoor shown me so and so. Already full, the hotel bosses.
full toll. If then eat and stuff. Full well.

'm out and then some running around on the promenade.
here I'll definitely start to jog.
so amazing everything.
It was so nice and warm all.

and JAA.
then went sometime kip.

Saturday night was indeed the time change and exemplary as I am, of course I converted directly to 3 the time. Extra alarm clock set.
Unfortunately I did not know that one in the Canary Islands before an hour time difference, and therefore is still the whole day I was wrong: D

got up early, have breakfast and am looos.

direction of Puerto del Carmen, just keep along the promenade.
I have to go shopping here really still.

Have me in saving flip flops bought because I had not aming the right on the beach and then I went back. In Meeeer J that was sooo scheeee.
Oh man.

War 2 is then up to the move, always on the beach and so and then I at? Gemittaggegesst and Isabel hit.
The fact her friend is gone and she was back.

are equal at the beach, where then Vladimiro, n Italian from the animation, and then later Messel have been added. Was chillig.

If then later back in, bit of PC and have to eat then what on NP full of good Italian and then got destroyed in NEM encouraging film room.
Thus, for s life:)

It was then yes, of course, Halloween and Isabel had the crazy idea that we join even at the animation program at night could, including showers make up and scary costume.
belongings but then rejected because I was about to go to bed early consistently working day and such.

Isabel is at some point by 4 clock at night came home was because of that I am glad I am with non ^ ^

At 8 this morning was then starting work.

The first two hours, I'm just rumgestanden. No one has said what or so.
I just stood there.
run in the morning it was better, I've learned how to call taxis, give the boot keys, as I towel rental, as I have people checking out if they have already paid everything, how could I not functioning room cards do broken uuuund n some paperwork.
Hat then showed me one that is my little adopted.

But I felt hurt at 12 all. The feet, the back, the funny bone.
want to die at 2 I then, I had drunk nothing all day, had not sat for a second and had a hole the size of Texas' in the stomach. Again.

at 2 FINALLY I finally got to go eat.

Then we went me feel better when I sit mal ne quarter of an hour and what could drink.
From 2 to 4 wars then bit chilly because of the morning and the afternoon just so stressful were, because Monday is just arrival and is now a full busload with Norwegians and Finns.

Now I sit here.
Have got rid of those damn shoes can finally sit and something to drink and eat sweets.

Afterwards I'm going for dinner and maybe walk some more.
And then to bed.
'm alone again, because Isabel's mom arrived today and will remain a week.

morning we have to move one probably, oh neiiiin: (

I hope that the work will be better tomorrow: D

Oh, and age, I'll show me the working hours:

7:00 to 15:00
15 : 00 to 23:00
23:00 to 7:00

I present already scared of the night shift, oh my god: D
I go to sleep, yes.
That's the word for Monday.
I load images present high, and only you alone to make jealous:)

PS: DANA birthday, congratulations, will you! \u0026lt;3