© 2008/Dirk Ludwig
At the instigation of Count von Einsiedel Systematization of Hufbeschlagswesens Forging was the first teacher in 1860 opened for the former Kingdom of Prussia in Milkel (Upper Lusatia). This was a decisive impulse for shoeing in Germany, here was the high degree of disorder in the training and exercise of the trade, the idea of a central policy opposed. With great success, for a short time later it was actually the creation of a central teaching forged in Berlin. Yet this training facility was reserved for the military, but at the beginning of the 20th Century changed the fundamental. Now been permitted on a civilian blacksmith forge teaching. It was recognized that in addition to the enormous economic and military importance Interest in the health of the horse was. This interest has now turned into a personal interest in the horse lovers in the health of their animals. Shall pay each time to the fact that different trends prevail, and it remains the progress of individual parts are also a development of the whole.
at the forge in Milkel teaching was for the entrance examination at that time required that a complete horseshoe was forged in just two heats! In a regulation is information, which still hangs on the door in the forge. Nothing was missing: folding, stamping, punching, bending, edges, cutting out and tighten cap had to be overcome as specified by the master. Today, a little more time available, but must still be forging a rod to the correct final dimensions of the horseshoe. All in all not an easy task, as the entrance examination in Berlin takes a whole day and includes not only the activities of the blacksmith, the forging of a horseshoe bar and a forged piece from the classical field of forging to specification.
got 1787 equerry Graf von Lindenau commissioned by Friedrich Wilhelm II to establish a facility to train veterinarians in Berlin. The causes were, for one thing, that the loss of mules and horses during the Seven Years' War was immense and the other in the repeated occurrence of epidemics. Even at this time, it explored there with the horseshoe. Up to Einsiedel Graf advance, however, should a few more years go by. Nevertheless, these years were not wasted years for shoeing, because here are the roots of which later becomes effective scientific research in Berlin.
By 1868 the Army Veterinary School, founded Berlin forging teaching very closely linked to famous names in the horseshoe. The author should be familiar to many of today's standard work for the training of farriers "The hoof" Hermann Ruthe, who led the Berlin study forged after the war. Less known is be the fact that Professor Rutherford moved the "Handbook of the horseshoe" by Theodor Bauer revised and after the war than just this current standard work. Bauer, in turn revised in 1887 to appear in Berlin Köstersche textbook of the horseshoe. Hubert Köster itself was as a corps-Roßarzt and technical director of the Berlin army training blacksmiths in the introduction of the Prussian army horseshoe involved C87, which was later replaced by the improved Army Horseshoe W32. This army Horseshoe W32 is still the foundation of modern shoes. But this selection shows the innovations wrought by the Berlin study proceeded.
With the establishment of the Friedrich-Wilhelm University (Later Humboldt University) and the integration of Veterinary Medicine in the University was transferred to the Army in Berlin teaching forging a civilian teaching forge, was now in the entire young farriers to be trained in scientific terms. This was based on laws that govern the horseshoe uniform. In addition to this important educational forged in what was then Prussia, in Berlin, there was also a training tank for the police.
The founder and first director of the Berlin Military Teaching forging Dominik Friedrich, by the way, learned from the hermit's forge in Milkel the local technology in the horseshoe, as Kösters Corps Roßarzt led the holistic assessment of the horse in the training of blacksmiths were one and his teachings continued, among others, Theodor Bauer and Hermann Ruthe at the Berlin University Teaching forge. Even today, after the traditional model of the horse is judged. Dominik created certainly not a completely new, he referred to much older teachings, but fell substantially after the 30 year war, especially because of the conditions in Germany in oblivion.
The collection of the Museum of forging Humboldt University of Berlin includes hoof from 2000 years ago. It was begun in 1790 with the founding of the Thierarzeneischule and includes still one of the most exclusive collections of this Profession. Among them are 2000 years old Chinese Hippo sandals to find as well as hardware from around the world. There are rare claw fittings and shoes for special purposes, some of which are over 1500 years old. Tools for hoof fitting round, and products around the foot from the collection by subject. A final public exhibition of a small part of the collection was held in the Martin Gropius Bau 2,001th The museum itself was forged until a few years ago, the public, but now is the access forever remain locked and the dust collection in the archives.

knowing full well that the Berlin study forge is especially appreciated by those few who could not exist the Vorschmieden, or others who have never seen to be learned at least a few days there, it must be said that the great Prussian forging tradition today still alive. She moved to the reunification of Germany by the Humboldt University for their supports in the Free University. I myself am proud as a graduate of the Berlin Teaching forging a part of this ancient tradition to be. Nothing is given to it, it can be only through blood, sweat and tears to acquire it at the end to have actually! No statement is true for the Berlin Hufbeschlaglehrschmiede.
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