Last Wednesday was not played. Instead, was again gefuttert ! The second month in a row we have managed to assemble an impressive lap around the table and eat properly.
A wonderful round, as I found. Ok, a major blackheads I was missing, but was represented by others. The Jassi and Mäycel it. The two I have with a "fine men / society" Evening never seen what I was naturally very pleased. Moreover, there was still a surprise to me especially happy. The Ellorone came up with. And I have in the past few months, unfortunately, not seen, which I think is very bad. But I have to grab me at my own nose.
The choice of the restaurant fell on the Lotus Garden. A very chic Chinese restaurant with an extremely rich buffet . Whether you choose now ready to eat and fill your plate, or whether one the raw ingredients, puts together and allows them to prepare themselves. Everything was there, of which more than enough!
About 2 1 / 2 hours we stayed there until we were making on the socks. A great evening! I really laughed a lot and had a lot of fun. This is a fantastic meal. What do you want for more?
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