25 years ago yesterday that saw the game the light of day. It came to my house but only a few years later, alarmed me but still, when I think about how vivid the memories of the game and how long ago.
There was this console, the NES . Typical sidescroller like Super Mario , Mega Man or the like are daily occurrences. A linear sequence of the life you had again and again because you could only save in the rarest cases. But all of a sudden there was a game that was completely different. A former friend showed me how to run from the air by a huge world, Dungeons sought and found new Items . So many pioneering elements I saw for the first time Save Items , A freely explorable world rubies as currency and a growing character. Such a thing did not exist back then. Immediately, I was chained to the screen. I think it was then the most complicated game ever. Especially without knowledge of English no picnic. But children are very patient when it comes to searching.
Today, 20 years and 13 additional parts later, I still play this series at best. Sure, the game has evolved in many ways more extreme, but the core principle is still the same. And this will also please so! I just love walking around the world to find any caves and dungeons in new new items to get hold of, that I can then find new caves. Search caves incidentally was also a hobby of the inventor of the series. This ( Shigeru Miyamoto ) loved as a child, his environment to the caves and search the same.
longingly I wait to finally obtain the latest offshoot, Skyward Sword for the Wii appears. I hope so, that this game will appear later this year. The chances are probably are pretty good. It will be interesting!
In this sense, thanks Shigeru for this and many other wonderful games!
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