Digression: ". Fumar puede ser causa de una muerte lenta y dolorosa" what it says on the pack of cigarettes here right next to the laptop.
Another change that has made my time here in Spain with it: I became a part-time smoker.
I think it's not bad, I mean, I do not smoke much and when I am convinced of something, that I can stop at any time with it.
I do not smoke because I need it.
but because it is much easier.
contacts for example.
And I'm not "Haste you fire?" But that you are smoking more easily can connect to groups.
If I go during work time for a coffee stand in front of the staff room usually around a few workers. Whether it's restaurant, kitchen or floor, smoking them all.
And then shall we do meet this because we also have a smoke and it's very easy to talk.
If one were to make no fag in hand, that is, yes, that is what will make concrete and not just another 5 minutes break.
I've just learned: With the verge of acquaintance.
I try to just casually, some take stock.
I mean, I'm seven months away from home, away from all the horse they know & Alteingesessenem, away from my friends, my family, the guy I should have perhaps mentioned my love.
to new shores.
awareness, broadening horizons.
transgression. Geographically, the mentally and physically.
something that I myself would never have expected.
I skirt-Miriam, which dares not even have to leave to add something.
In this sense, my Work was brought here.
I'm so easily to people, I'm not afraid to order more from reactions ... or what has ever stopped me before it, the bill at the restaurant.
I have simply learned that most people are nice, if you're only nice to them. And maybe even smile.
I take life easier.
If I do something to take with me to Germany, will be less afraid of the future.
Like my father really said all along: It is pointed 'occurs.
And if not, then different.
I'm not afraid anymore panic, not knowing what I will do over the summer.
Although we are now indoctrinated that we resume the most important thing is and we must constantly do something that these look better-if you do not know what you want, then offers it to you to make nothing something from which you are sure that you do not want it.
to study catch on to what turns up just at first glance.
Apply for philosophy, psychology, archeology, Sports, teaching for primary school maths, German for the hearing impaired.
I have met people who are 28 and have so much experience.
Think about times when our German reins was already at 28?
Abi, Bachelor, Master, maybe a semester abroad, job.
you understand what I want to express in some way?
The people here live much more.
They have more of their lives.
what can the To tell if they are old.
I also want what they can tell.
I just want to be blown in and out.
Or as the gay bassist of an unknown band of a little fucked up pubs, said: "Si no te gusta Donde Estas, Mueva."
If you wherever you are, do not like - to be drawn.
I want to Norway, simply because to me the little I know about it like.
here because we had so many Norwegians and Danes and Swedes and Finns that I see want, where they come from.
I want to learn languages, because languages open more doors than any one industry study.
And not so much the career doors than the front doors.
I have no idea what I want out of life but actually I take what it gives me.
If someone asks me where I see myself in 20 years, I would have said before: A job that I fill in a loving, rich, handsome husband, two children (a boy and a girl), a dog, a car and a garden.
Today I would shrug their shoulders and say: ". Npi (Ni puta idea.)
And that is really good.
My view has simply changed.
If it has not cleared, then I have at least one pair of glasses that makes everything more transparent.
Anyway this is now right for the context.
The only negative, what has changed for me now so is my weight.
'm fat, I find offense.
Welch deep philosophical last block.